Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Skin Salvation, Pure Potions Review

I don't have any before pictures because I never imagined myself writing a blog about it, I'm quite personal so writing this and the previous blog post is a big step for me but I'm hoping that it may help someone in a similar position in the future! However if you click here theres a picture which is very, very similar to how my skin looked before I started using Skin Salvation!

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I started using Skin Salvation on the 22nd December after suffering with what I think is Perioral Dermatitis for many months and the things doctors was subscribing me didn't seem great and definitely wasn't for long term use. I was recommended it in Holland and Barrett after asking if they had anything for it. I was also drinking Activa, eating Actimel yoghurts (the mango one is amazing) and taking an all in one vitamin, I don't know if any of this helped but thought it would be best to mention it.

This is how it looks today (06/01/2015) I am still in the process of treating it hence why I still have patches.

It's quite weird at first as you have to really scoop it out of the jar but once you warm it up in your hands its just like putting on a normal cream or moisturiser! It doesn't really have a smell - its not constantly noticeable anyway, you have to really sniff to smell it!

I think the feeling is fine, it isn't heavy on my skin at all but I do find it doesn't "soak in". At the beginning I was putting it on twice a day, one in the afternoon and one just before I go to bed. I aren't sure if it was related to the ointment but I often felt like a tingling/tickling sensation after about an hour of it being on. I say I aren't sure because just before I'd started using it, the area was extremely itchy and painful.  

I find that it can make the area look worse than it actually when its applied. 

After the first day I noticed an improvement! Not a lot but it was certainly better than the day before, from the angry, bright red it was it was now more of a deep pink. I'd read around about it before I used it just to make sure and I saw loads of people saying how amazing it was and how they saw a huge difference the next day so I was a little bit disappointed when I only had a very slight difference (stupid I know but still!). 

The second day, even more improvement. Again it was only a slight improvement but I was just happy to see it getting better and something working! I started using the cider vinegar on this day, a little bit mixed with water. This is because the ointment just seemed to sit on the area and because I kept getting a tingling feeling I was using the cider vinegar as a way to wash it off, instead of a face wipe incase they caused it to flare up more. 

After a week it was down to a very faint pink, as I've really pale it was still quite obvious there was something wrong but I never leave the house without make up on so once I had all of it on it was barely noticeable. It just looked like I had dried skin around my nose from a cold. I was still using the cider vinegar - it helps to dry the skin out. I was also putting on Dream Cream, which I got a tester pot of from Lush, before I put my make up on, I still am using it it makes a great primer! I can't believe how much it has improved in such a short space of time. I still have a lot of dried skin which I'm trying to get rid of by using the Lush Bûch De Nöel but I may need to get a stronger scrub. 

I'm still using Skin Salvation but only once a day, before I go to bed. I think I'm going to start doing it twice a day again though just to see if it can speed up and get rid of the faint pinkish colour thats left. It's an amazing product and I urge anyone with eczema or dermatitis to try it! You can buy it from Pure Potions here or from Holland and Barratt. They have a huge collection of products; rescue salves for burns, cuts, cold sores, bites, chapped skin etc... Baby products, sun cream, scalp oil.

I've just bought the Skin Salvation Bath and Body oil from Pure Potions as well and use it every day after I shower, I think its originally meant to be put into a running bath but I only have a shower in my university accommodation and the bath at home takes far too long to fill up! But you can definitely use after a shower! I've only been using this a few days but its great, it smells lovely and its great to help rehydrate the skin after a shower as water really dries the skin out! It soaks in almost straight away, I used 2 drops of it and it just goes right in! As much as I like the product I don't think it is helping a lot so I would definitely recommend someone trying the Skin Salvation ointment first and using the Bath and Body oil as an extra.

This is more than two drops, I wanted to show the colour of it.


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